Since I live in Miami, I am quite accustomed to the "frenzy"before the storm.... We rush to get water, canned goods, candles etc.. I am in Haiti today, and while the president and his team have been encouraging folks to get ready, there seems to be total lack of interest in or fear of the impending storm... This morning I asked my waiter if he was getting ready for Emily and he asked if that was the lady sitting at the next table. When I specified what that was, he just shrugged and stated that he was not too worried... Same sentiments at the office. The camp dwellers were told to seek shelter (where?) cut down tree limbs or tie down the tents... Mark Schuller tells me that while they are aware of the storm, they just don't have the material needed to protect themselves.
At the hotel, no one has told me anything about the storm, no contingency plan...evacuation plan... NADA... Meanwhile, like a good Miami resident, I am leaving work a bit early and I am getting my water, canned goods, candles and ice cream....