Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Haitian Flag Day!

Catherine Flon stitching together
 the Haitian flag.

 Happy Haitian Flag Day!  On this day in 1803, the Haitian flag was created in the town of Arcahaie (just outside of Port-au-Prince).  In the midst of Haiti’s war for independence, the revolutionary leader Jean-Jacques Dessalines asked Catherine Flon, his god-daughter, to sew a flag together for the soon to be independent nation.  By removing the white stripe of the French tricolored flag, symbolizing European domination and colonization, and stitching together the remaining red and blue stripes, representing the nation’s black and interracial citizens, the flag came to embody the spirit of Haitian freedom, national pride, and individual liberty.
In honor of Flag Day, the Lambi Fund of Haiti would like to salute the proud people of Haiti and Haitian diaspora living abroad. Today as we look back on the proud history of Haiti, the first and only republic to hold a successful slave rebellion, Lambi Fund looks forward to a promising and united future.
In honor of democracy and continued social empowerment,may Haiti stand together -strong and united like the stitched together stripes on the flag as we rebuild for a stronger tomorrow.
Bonn Fet Drapo Nou, Viv Ayiti! 

Man selling Haitian flags

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